Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Sunday said the local 'chari' community, known for their manufacturing skills, probably makes better arms than the Ordnance Factory Boards.
"There is lot of talent available locally also. I know few of chari in Goa, there is a community who makes, I know one of them, who make the best pill machine in Mumbai. He is not even sixth standard (pass). He is that good," Parrikar told a gathering after inaugurating a helicopter engine maintenance facility in Goa.
"In between, when I became (Goa) Chief Minister, I had problem of controlling illegal arms. They (chari community) probably make better arms than many of the OFB factories," he said.
"They have skill with them. We need to harness that skill for useful purpose by giving necessary training to switch over from age-old technologies, which they are using, to the latest equipment we have," he added.
Chari is one of the communities listed as other backward class and are involved in the manufacturing industry.
The facility which was inaugurated on Sunday is a joint venture between HAL and SAFRAN, a French firm.
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Referring to the French officials present at the event, Parrikar said there is an advantage when you do business in Goa.
"While working you can spend evening on a nice beach so that you don't miss beautiful beaches of Europe," Parrikar said.