Batra said Charlesworth needs "psychological treatment".
"I don't react to what Ric Charlesworth says because he is a loose cannon. He himself does not know what he is saying. I just ignore whatever he says. He might be a genius in hockey, but in communication skills, he is very poor. He needs to go back to school to learn basics," Batra told reporters here.
Batra was reacting to a foreign journalist's query that current Australian hockey coach Charlesworth has expressed his displeasure over poor attendance in the stands and pointed out problems in the scheduling of the HWL, which he said was supposed to be held in December.
The query and the choice of words by Charlesworth evoked sharp criticism from Batra who went on to say that he will not take things lying down.
"I take strong objection to it. This is a strong word he is using against my country and you can't say such things about my country," he said.