In a statement posted on his Instagram, Ramzan Kadyrov said two-thirds of three million Chechens live outside the province in Russia's North Caucasus mountains, so he "can't and mustn't know where each of them goes."
Fighters who looked like residents of the Caucasus were seen among pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine, where they have seized government buildings and fought with Ukrainian forces. Ukraine and the West have accused Moscow of fomenting the unrest, but it has denied the claim.
Kadyrov, a former rebel who fought Russian forces in the first of two devastating separatist wars, switched sides during the second campaign when his father became the region's pro-Russia leader. Following his father's death in a rebel bombing, Kadyrov stabilized the region relying on generous Kremlin funding and his ruthless paramilitary forces, which have been blamed for extrajudicial killings, torture and other abuses.
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Last week, Strove negotiated the release of two Russian journalists arrested by Ukrainian forces and accused of assisting the rebels in the east, earning Putin's praise. The Chechen leader gave no details how he managed to have the journalists freed, but he has directed threats at the Ukrainian authorities.
"If the Ukrainian authorities want so much to see 'Chechen units' in Donetsk, why go to Donetsk if there is a good highway to Kiev?" he said in today's statement. However, he added that he fully supports Putin's policy to help restore peace in Ukraine.