Bhagat, who is considered a bestseller, today took to twitter and Facebook to announce his upcoming book along with a short video teaser. "Hi all! Happy to announce my next book titled 'Half Girlfriend'," he wrote. A major newspaper here also carried the announcement as a front page advertisement.
"'Half Girlfriend' is a simple love story. It is about a boy who doesn't speak English well and brings out the issues related to English in the country today. It is a rural-urban love story that not only touches the heart, but also inspires the reader," Bhagat said in a statement.
The author wrote, "English is the new caste system. Half Girlfriend explores this aspect of our society today."
Bhagat said, "One of my goals is to make India read. For this, I wanted a partner that could make my story reach pan-India, right from the big metros to the interiors. Who better than Flipkart to do the same?"
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"We are delighted to associate with Chetan Bhagat for online exclusivity, and are looking forward to make this book available to millions of our customers. This is yet another endeavour at our end to expand our selection and offer widest and most loved range of titles and authors to Indian readers," Kalyan Krishnamurthy, Senior VP-Retail, Flipkart said.
An investment banker-turned-novelist, the 40-year-old's books have been adapted for the big screen.
Bhagat's "Five Point Someone" was adapted into blockbuster "3 Idiots" starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor in the lead. He also scripted the screenplay for the recent Salman Khan starrer film "Kick".
"My site has crashed. Will be up soon. Meanwhile you can watch the "Half Girlfriend" teaser directly on youtube," wrote the author.