The average cost for the purpose is Rs 2,117 in public facilities in urban areas as against Rs 20,328 in private facilities, Health Minister J P Nadda said during Question Hour.
As per the findings of the 71st round survey of social consumption on health of National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), the average medical expenditure on hospitalisation is Rs 25,850 in private facilities compared to Rs 6,120 in public facilities, he said.
He said 11 per cent persons in the lowest two quintiles in rural areas and 10 per cent persons in lowest two quintiles in urban areas are covered under insurance schemes.
"As per information provided by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, the number of lives covered under health insurance policies during 2014-15 was 28.80 crore including government sponsored schemes like Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna," Nadda said.
"The proposed scheme envisages coverage of poor and vulnerable families on family floater basis with no capping on family size. Details modalities are being worked out," he said.