While nabbing Gaurav Kumar Raghav (38) and Vikrant (32), police also rescued the baby, who was kidnapped by the gang -- which kidnapped children and sold them mostly to childless couples -- from outer Delhi's Alipur area, Joint Commissioner of Police (North) Sanjay Singh said today.
The racket came to light as police began investigating the abduction of a one-and-a-half-year-old boy from northwest Delhi's Swaroop Nagar area on Tuesday.
During interrogation, the information provided by them led to the arrest of the others, identified as Poonam, Anita, Sonu, Kundan, Vijay, Rehan and Raju. They were trying to sell the child and had negotiated with a client who was ready to pay Rs 5 lakh.
It also emerged that the accused had kidnapped a seven- month-old boy from Alipur area in January. That child too was picked up by two men, who later turned out to be Hemant and Rakesh.
"The arrests have been made under two separate cases. The police are questioning the accused and identify other children kidnapped and sold by the racket," a senior official said.