The girl, Vedika Sandecha, was at her grandmother's house at Karad in Satara district last month, when while playing in the garden the hairy caterpillar suddenly fell into her right eye causing instant pain and irritation.
Her parents rushed her to a local clinic as the irritation increased and the child couldn't open her eye.
The local physician saw over 150 strands of caterpillar hair lodged into her eye. The child was administered local anaesthesia and the doctor removed nearly 60 per cent strands, but failed to pluck out the rest, due to which she could not open her eye. Her family was asked to consult an eye specialist in the city.
"Foreign bodies like stiff caterpillar hair, which are not visible to the naked eyes, have tendency to get lodged deep inside the eye and can cause a lot of agony to the patient. Our challenge increased multifold as we were dealing with a three-year-old old patient," Dr Girija said.
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The doctor removed nearly 30 hair from the lower lid and around 10 from the upper one. The operation was done under general anesthesia using an operating microscope.
The police meanwhile took Bulu Das and Sana Sahu on
remand in the case during the day.
The crime branch had moved the court of additional sessions judge of Bhawanipatna to allow it to take all the accused on remand.
It also filed a petition before the chief hudicial magistrate-cum-chairman of Juvenile Justice Board to allow the remand of Sana Sahu, who is a minor.
Both the judges allowed the crime branch to take the two accused on 5 days remand.