The reactor, designed to power offshore oil and gas drilling, island development and remote areas, is scheduled to be put into operation in 2019, said China National Nuclear Corporation's (CNNC) board chairman Sun Qin.
The CNNC holds all the intellectual property rights of the floating nuclear reactor, state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Sun, a deputy to the National People's Congress as saying, before the opening of the annual legislative session.
Currently, China has 30 nuclear power generating units in operation and another 24 units are under construction, all on land.
China aims to build 30nuclearpower units in countries involved with its Silk Road initiative by 2030, Sun said.
China is building two 1000 megawattsnuclearpower plants inKarachiat a cost of USD 6.5 billion.
More than 70 countries are now planning or are already developing their ownnuclearpower projects, and it is estimated 130 morenuclearpower units will have been built by 2020, Sun said.