The machine set a new world record for furthest distance covered by a quadruped robot, Guinness World Records said.
Developed by a team led by Professor Li Qingdu from the College of Automation of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the robot, named Xingzhe No 1 or Walker 1, took the title after travelling 134.03km.
A quadruped robot is a single mechanical machine which is guided by a computer programme or electronic circuitry, with four articulated legs which do not have a wheel.
Moving continuously for 54 hours 34 minutes, Walker 1 completed 1,405 laps of a 95.39 m indoor track, running rings around the previous record-holder - Cornell University's Ranger Robot, which covered a comparatively small distance of 65.18 km in New York, US, in 2011.
According to Qingdu - the man behind the research which began in November 2014 - its objective was to study electrical efficiency, increase the length a robot can trek, its reliability, durability and ability to perform remotely controlled missions in situations that would be dangerous for humans.