Special CBI Court judge P L Satpathy rejected the bail petitions of Ramachandra Hansda, Hitesh Bagarti and Subarna Naik, arrested earlier by the CBI for their alleged link with Nabadiganta Capital Service Limited, another ponzi company.
While Naik (BJD) and Bagarti (BJP) were ex-MLAs of Keonkjhar and Khariar respectively, Hansda was a sitting MP from Mayurbhanj. The trio was sent to judicial custody for 13 days after their bail petitions were rejected.
In another development, Seashore Group CMD Prashant Dash was produced at the Khurda district sessions judge court here after completion of his 14-days remand period with the Enforcement Directorate.
Seashore Group allegedly duped thousands of people between January, 2012 and June, 2013 by several chit fund companies. Dash's company has been accused of diverting Rs 800 crores of deposits from thousands of people across the state.