The three leaders - Hansda, former MLAs Subarna Naik and Hitesh Kumar Bagarti, arrested yesterday on the charge of criminal conspiracy, cheating and diversion of funds were produced before the special court here after a medical check-up.
The trio also happened to be the former directors of Nabadiganta Capital Service, a ponzi company that allegedly duped hundreds of investors.
Though CBI sought a ten-day remand for the three politicians, the special judge P L Satpathy allowed the investigating agency to take them on a six-day remand.
The CBI counsel submitted that the three leaders were active directors of Nabadiganta Capital Services and had operated the firm's bank accounts, conducted meetings of the company, adopted resolutions at company's meetings and drawn money from the company's bank account through self cheques.
Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the company Anjan Kumar Baliarsingh had also earlier claimed that the three leaders were actively involved with the activities of Nabadiganta Capital Service.