Responding to strong reactions and protests in Tamil Nadu over the incident in which 20 people from that state were shot dead during an operation said to be against red sanders smugglers, Andhra Pradesh Communication Advisor Parakala Prabhakar appealed to Tamil Nadu leaders not to view this as an issue between the two southern states.
"Political parties have their own compulsions and support base, which they have to satisfy. We would like political parties to view the whole incident as a smuggler versus law issue and not as a one state versus another state issue," Prabhakar told PTI.
The enquiry would establish the "circumstances" (leading to the firing) and on the basis of the enquiry report, "We can take action or whatever," he said.
Prabhakar said the judiciary is seized of the matter, noting that petitions have been filed before Hyderabad and Madras high courts, while the National Human Rights Council (NHRC) has taken cognisance of the matter.
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Additional Advocate General (AAG) D Srinivas submitted before the high court that a magisterial inquiry is underway into the operation according to Supreme Court guidelines.
The high court observed that when the matter is under investigation it did not wish to comment on whether it is "death or killings".
Prabhakar, meanwhile, ruled out giving "compensation" to the next of kin from Tamil Nadu (where a demand to this effect has been made in some quarters) killed in the incident. "Not at all (we will not give). We view them as smugglers."