The 23-year-old singer, who recently reunited with former girlfriend Rihanna despite still being on probation for beating her in 2009, said a lot of his new music was inspired by a former love interest, reported Rolling Stones magazine.
"The song and the album title 'X' has a couple different meanings. It can refer to an ex-girlfriend, in terms of you always look forward to moving forward from.
"It's also about being a reject in a sense. In me being myself, being able to grow up, me not always hanging around the right crowd or doing the right thing all the time -- it's me saying, 'I'm over it. I'm'," he said.
"It's in a part of my brain, definitely. Right now I have a lot more people to take care of as far as my family, as far as inspiring artists I'm working with. Everything I'm doing now is focused on me giving back. The family is there. It's going to be what it is. It's going to be perfect. Hopefully that's in the future and I can wait it out," he had said.