Issuing showcause notice to explain why maximum penalty of Rs 25,000 was not imposed on their officials for withholding information sought by RTI applicant, Information Commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu noted that the CPIO of the UGC was defending the University as if he was its "hired counsel".
Acharyulu said it appears that the UGC office has simply acted as "post office" to transfer letters to the University.
Acharyulu said it is strange that CPIO of the regulatory authority was arguing on behalf of the deemed to be University instead of explaining measures taken by UGC against varsity as per guidelines and recommendations of Tandon Committee.
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wanted to know if a complaint has been received by the UGC against Salem-based VinayakaMissionsUniversity about alleged "invalid" medical degrees given to the students.
The UGC claimed in its response that no such complaint was received from Selva Kumar. The First Appellate Authority in the UGC forwarded the appeal against the decision to the 'deemed' University.
"The inaction of the respondent authority is glaring and there was no effort to use regulatory power to take corrective measures or to get the information sought. The appellant and studentsarelefttotheirfatetobethevictimsofthe actions of the VMRF University," he said.
"Theissueisveryseriousasthemedicos complained that their degree of Bachelor in Medicine has not been recognised after they studied it for four years paying huge fee.
"They also complained thatthemedicalgraduatesfromthis University were not being admitted in higher education courses off shore in different countries," Acharyulu pointed out.
Acharyulu said the RTI application, number of letters written by the appellant and the FIR reveal several serious issues which the UGC should have taken cognisacne of and acted promptly.