Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Jitendra Singh today said around 10,500 numbers of daks received in the Central Registry of the CIC were pending for scrutiny as on November 16.
"However, to clear this backlog, a special drive was undertaken by deploying large number of staff from November 16-26. As a result, a total of 11,643 daks pending in the Central Registry were scrutinised and requisite action for registration of the cases as complaints or appeals was taken," he said.
In response to a separate query, the minister said that various steps have been taken by the government for proper and effective implementation of the RTI Act.
He said that the online RTI portal for filing applications, capacity building of PIOs and first appellate authorities, awareness campaigns are part of the initiative.
"A number of classificatory orders has also issued OMs No.
1/18/2007-IR dated September 21, 2007 and OM No 1/6/2011-IR dated April 15, 2013, December 10, 2013, September 22, 2014, June 29, 2015 and July 9, 2015 impressing upon public authorities to disclose maximum information proactively so that the citizens need not resort to filing of RTI applications to access information available with the public authorities," the minister said.