During a hearing of a complaint filed by Delhi advocate Vivek Garg, Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra said no penalty was imposed on the officials with CBI's Anti Corruption Branch (ACB), who were responsible for the delay in dealing with the RTI plea, as they were no longer in service.
The CBI had submitted that the delay was caused as the ACB received the the�RTI�application and a complaint on the matter at around same time. In�their�attempt to deal with both the complaint and the RTI application together the delay was caused, it said.
Garg had sought to know details of action taken report on his complaints filed against Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and other functionaries alleging their involvement in corruption in executing CWG related projects in the national capital.
The�respondent from the CBI also submitted the then Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) in charge of the ACB had died in the meanwhile, while the other officials dealing with the subject had either retired or left the job on resignations.
But, there is one lesson for the present CPIO, he must not mix up the RTI application with anything else even if the subject matter is the same and act on the RTI application strictly according to the provisions�of�the transparency law, Mishra said in the order.
Garg had filed the RTI application on December 11, 2011. Aggrieved over the delayed response, he had approached the CIC last year.