Following the buzz, the stock soared 5.73 per cent to settle at Rs 380 on the BSE. During the day, it jumped 6.37 per cent to Rs 382.30.
At the NSE, the scrip rallied 6.23 per cent to end at Rs 382.
The stock was the biggest gainer on the Sensex and Nifty.
Following the sharp rally in the stock, the company's market value jumped Rs 13,011.85 crore to Rs 2,40,021.85 crore.
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As per reports, Coal ministry has allowed CIL to revert to the old system, removing the cap on e-auction volumes with effect from April, 2015.
This might boost the miner's bottom-line in the coming days, it said.
Meanwhile, in the broader market the BSE benchmark Sensex ended at 28,707.75, up 191.16 points.