Additional Sessions Judge Lal Singh at Patiala House court convicted Constable Ravinder Rana and sentenced him to undergo life imprisonment with a total fine of Rs 30,000 for the shoot-out at the Embassy in the wee hours of January 18, 2005, the CBI said here today.
The incident took place after Rana had entered into an altercation with one of his fellow jawans during the night. In the early hours the next day, after heated exchange, he opened fire in the barrack inside the Embassy premises.
The agency completed its probe in three months and filed a charge sheet in the court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate against Ravinder Rana on April 8, 2005.
"After seven years of trial, the Additional Session Judge, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi found Ravinder Rana (who is still under judicial custody), guilty of the offence of murder U/s 302, 307 of IPC & 27 of Arms Act and convicted him.