The five-day conference in Kannur will be attended by 2,000 delegates from across the country and see the election of the office bearers, working committee and general council to lead the CITU for the next three years. The last conference was held in March 2010 in Chandigarh.
"This period of three years has been of utmost importance to the working class in India. Along with massive struggles and campaigns conducted by unions affiliated to CITU, there were huge countrywide united actions organised jointly by all the central trade unions and independent national federations.
Sen will present a report which deals with national and international political and economical developments during the last three years, with special reference to issues related to workers and other toiling sections.
Draft documents on strengthening democratic functioning of unions, on taking up the social issues, on the changes and challenges in connection with the employment profiles and the tasks in the fight for an alternative will be discussed and finalised by the conference, he said.
Elaborate preparations for the conference have been going on for the last three months in Kannur and various programmes like seminars, cultural programmes and sports events have been organised, Sen said.
An exhibition on the history of trade union movements and struggles have also been organised, he said.