A team from Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI) had visited the hospital last month for an audit and based on certain parameters, conferred the Green Hospital Award, KMCH chairman, Dr Nalla G Palanisamy said in a release.
Since its inception, for over 25 years, KMCH was quite particular in providing environment-friendly health care services, even when the expansion took place, he said.
The 1,000-bedded super specialty hospital practices, optimum usage of water resources and conservation, Energy resources and conservation, usage of non-toxic and non-hazardous cleaning agents, effective waste water management, good ventilation in the wards and exposure of natural light in the ICUs.
The FICCI, Chennai, invited the hospital following week, to Chennai to receive 'Best Private Hospital-2016 Award, considering the Hospital's infrastructure, clinical success in super specialty tertiary level procedures and the relentless patient services in the state of Tamil Nadu, he added.