Speaking at an event where he presnted National Photography awards, Sathasivam said that in contemporary times, the daunting sphere for photojournalism is piracy.
"Although copyright protection for your photos exists the moment the work is created but in the case of infringement you'll need to have registered your copyright for enforcing your right.
"Besides protecting your work, registering your copyright makes it easier for a potential infringer to track you down and legitimately obtain a license to use your work, avoiding the hassle of litigation," he said.
Later speaking to reporters, Sathasivam said the role of the media is paramount because whatever the government does, whatever order the court passes, only through the media it reaches the public. He said the media must convey the correct things to the public.
"My view is you people are conveying correctly but depends upon your policies on giving the caption, giving the message. It goes to the public in a different way, that's all. Substance is one but depending upon your policies you are giving a caption, you are giving importance, that's all. Otherwise, you people are doing a good job," Sathasivam told reporters here.