The Taaltantra man, a close friend of the revered Shankar's family, told PTI in response to a question about reality shows, "All genres of music should thrive. Music has a universality in all forms. But classical music requires getting initiated to the ragas and then understanding the same.
This exploration has to be perfected by sitting at the feet of Ustad for years, scolded, reprimanded, beaten up but still not giving up.
Tanmoy, who had recently been to UK for a concert in memory of Ravi Shankar, avers all present day classical musicians including Anoushka Shankar were products of this culture of hard work propelled by talent.
Talking about the 'Evening Raga' concert, which mesmerised audiences with the performances of Pt Debashis Bhattacharya, Pt Samir Nandi besides himself and a galaxy of pure classicists in vocal, table, pakhwaj, sitar, sarengi, sarod,, Tanmoy said, "I heard they have sought to bring classical music to the people's durbar by abolishing entry fee and that is laudable."