The lounge, built at a cost of Rs 10.50 lakh which was contributed by them was handed over to the school at a recent get together of the 1990 batch.
Principal Group Captain S Majumder, who attended the ceremony in presence of the former students' parents and teachers, thanked the class of 1990 for their gesture towards Wing Commander Dipesh Shah and Flight Cadet Prasad Shendge.
Shah's classmate Dipak Thorat recalled that villagers from Seshagiri village near the crash site, had been all praises for the pilots for their presence of mind in skirting three petrol pumps and hundreds of houses in the vicinity before the crash.
Shendge, a Flight Cadet, who was at the Air Force Academy, Dundigul near Hyderabad, was killed when his aircraft Kiran crashed near Bidar in 1994.
Former teachers of Shah and Shendge recalled the pilots as dedicated and sincere students who also excelled in extra-curricular activities like swimming, horse riding and boxing.