The MP from the Ahmedabad East seat took part in a cleanliness drive under 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' in his constituency at Saradarnagar area in the city.
"Cleanliness is a very important aspect, which we have ignored since long. We have taken undue advantage of our freedom and never cared about maintaining cleanliness. Lessons should be taught in school to teach children about the benefits of cleanliness," he said.
The BJP leader thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for taking up the mission.
"We were ruled by the Britishers for around 150 years. I am surprised that we (Indians) did not learn that virtue from them. I am thankful to Modiji for taking up this issue. He (Modi) brought immense awareness among us, be it a celebrity or a commoner" he added.
Rawal, who was in the city to participate in various party-workers meetings, stressed to improve country's image with regard to cleanliness.
"People in foreign have a different image of our country.. That in India many people do defecate in open. This image needs to be changed. And now when our country is moving ahead to become the superpower, cleanliness is the basic thing," Rawal said.