The Delhi government Friday directed the Food and Civil Supplies department to clear pending applications for ration cards at the earliest, a statement stated.
According to the government, the direction was given by Food and Civil Supplies Minister Imran Hussain in a meeting to review the issue and addition of beneficiaries in the existing ration cards in the city.
It stated that during the meeting, the minister enquired about the pendency of applications for issuance of the ration cards and addition of beneficiaries. He was informed that many applications are pending since 2015 as well.
Hussain was also informed that the Centre has set a target of 72.78 lakh beneficiaries in Delhi for coverage under the National Food Security Act, 2013.
"The minister directed the departmental officers to immediately process the applications strictly as per the approved priority criteria.
"He warned that any kind of collusion or connivance with the vested interest in issuance of the ration cards will not be tolerated by the government and strict departmental action will be initiated against the erring officials," the government said in the statement.
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Many applicants could not be earlier covered under the scheme as the limit of 72.78 lakh beneficiaries had already been achieved, and ration cards were being issued against the vacancies arising due to deletion of the cards, the statement stated.
The department is now considering the pending applications for issuance of ration cards and addition of beneficiaries in the existing ones.
"Hussain expressed anguish and concern that various complaints from people and people's representatives are being received from time-to-time, alleging that some Food and Supplies department's circle officers/officials are issuing ration cards arbitrarily and selectively by flouting the department's guidelines for issuance of new ration cards," it stated.