The 49-year-old actor, who shot to fames in the 1990s in TV series 'Chancer' before moving into Hollywood films, said this has made him more appreciative of all the accolades that have come his way, reported Contactmusic.
Asked how his life has changed, 'The Last Knights' actor said, "I've got more money. I come from a very, very working-class background. I spent my childhood not having money and that was a constant burden.
"I'm fortunate now to have considerably more now than I used to, but I'll never forget where I come from because there is a huge number of people in the world who are stressed about money and I don't want to forget that I used to be one of them."
"OK, I wasn't making the movies I'm making now, but I was doing what I considered to be very good TV, theatre and small movies. It might appear now that I was out in the wilderness, but I was enjoying my career.