The chief minister, who was on a visit to lower hills of Himachal Pradesh, said in Dharamsala, "Dharamsala nestling in the lap of majestic snow-clad Dhauladhar ranges has a significance and history of its own and fully deserved to be the second capital of the state."
The announcement is significant as 25 out of 68 Assembly seats fall in Kangra, Una and Hamirpur districts, and Dharamsala was important for lower areas of Himachal Pradesh including Kangra, Chamba, Hamirpur and Una districts.
Dharamsala already figured prominently in national and international map due to its significance owing to many reasons including religious, natural and adventurous tourism and also being abode of Tibetan Spiritual head Dalai Lama.
The chief minister said it was during his earlier term, a full-fledged winter session of the Assembly was held for the first time outside Shimla in December, 2005.
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Singh said that he introduced the practice of annual winter sojourn way back in 1994 to hear the people out and see for himself the progress of development works being carried out in the area.
They said it was a historic step for which the people of the region would always remain indebted towards Singh.