As per the minutes of the meeting, all corporations except the South Delhi Municipal Corporation are in deficit, and are not prima facie eligible to get the Municipal Reform Fund (MRF).
Government gives MRF as an incentive to civic bodies due to improvement in their financial position. In the meeting, Kejriwal was informed by the commissioners that they have not received any funds under the MRF head for the last two years.
Government clarified that 100 per cent of funds have been released to both North Corporation (NDMC) and East Corporation (EDMC) while 80 per cent of funds has been released to SDMC and the remaining amount will be given to it by January 18.
The chief minister has suggested that the remaining fund under education and health sector may be released to all three municipal corporations.
"It was also pointed out in the meeting that about Rs 295 crore are available as an unspent balance of previous year under education and health sectors with all three corporations.