Delhi BJP President Vijay Goel termed as "pack of lies" Dikshit's claim in her Independence Day speech that Delhi government was successfully meeting the 6,000 MW power demand
Goel said Dikshit does not have to go back 10-15 years to remind people about the hour long power cuts in the city as the same were being witnessed in the national capital even today, after 15 year of her rule and 200 per cent hike in power tariffs.
"The only claim that Dikshit can make is that she, in collusion with the power distribution companies has managed to extract huge power bills every month from the people of Delhi," Goel said.
He said even Chief Minister's claim that Delhi has the highest per capita power consumption in the country -- 1,450 units-- is doubtful because the faulty meters installed by the distribution companies show exaggerated consumption.
He said that BJP had gone public with its agenda that would reduce power tariffs in the city by more than 30 per cent.
"Some of these include ending the monopoly of the distribution companies; curtailing unnecessary purchase of power, providing separate neutral to each consumer, control power theft. Where is the politics? If all these are measures are sincerely followed, the tariffs would automatically come down," said Goel.