Announcing the revision in price, Indraprastha Gas Ltd (IGL) said the consumer price of CNG in Delhi will be increased by 35 paisa per kg and by 40 paisa per kg in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad.
"The new consumer price of Rs 37.65 per kg in Delhi and Rs 43.15 per kg in Noida, Greater Noida & Ghaziabad would be effective from midnight tonight," the company said in a statement.
Also, the rates of cooking gas piped to kitchens was hiked by 81 paisa per cubic meters.
"The price of domestic piped natural gas (PNG) in Delhi will increase from Rs 24.05 per scm to Rs 24.86 per scm and in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad will increase from Rs 25.56 per scm to Rs 26.37 per scm," it said.
IGL said that the increase in retail prices of CNG and PNG has been effected due to increase in operational expenses as a result of hike in minimum wages notified by the Delhi government recently.