Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar told the investigating officer (IO) to get the documents translated and file it in the court and supply them to the accused by October 3, after the defence counsel said they were unable to understand these documents which are in Marathi language.
One of the defence counsel also sought some documents from the agency, saying the material supplied to him along with the final report were not legible.
During the hearing, the judge told the IO, "On October 3, the documents along with translation of documents in Marathi language should be here. You have to give translation of these documents to the court also."
The court had earlier granted bail to ex-Coal Secretary H C Gupta and five others, including a senior public servant, in connection with the case pertaining to alleged irregularities in allocation of Lohara (East) coal block in Maharashtra to Nagpur-based accused firm Grace Industries Ltd (GIL).
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According to CBI, the 34th Screening Committee had allotted Lohara (East) coal block jointly to M/s GIL and to M/s Murli Agro Products Pvt Ltd and the letter of allotment was issued on June 27, 2008.