Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar posted the matter for arguments after the counsel representing the accused said that scrutiny of documents supplied to them along with the charge sheet filed by the agency was complete.
During the hearing, CBI's senior public prosecutor Sanjay Kumar told the court that they have also supplied translated copies of documents, which were in Marathi language, to the accused.
The court had earlier granted bail to ex-Coal Secretary H C Gupta and four others, including a senior public servant, in connection with the case.
Besides Gupta, bail was granted bail to public servant K S Kropha, who was a former Joint Director in the Ministry of Coal, Vishwas Sawakhande, earlier Director in Directorate of Geology and Mining in Maharashtra government and directors of GIL, Mukesh Gupta and Seema Gupta.
According to CBI, the 34th Screening Committee had allotted Lohara (East) coal block jointly to M/s GIL and to M/s Murli Agro Products Pvt Ltd and the letter of allotment was issued on June 27, 2008.
CBI had chargesheeted the firm and one of its directors alleging he had falsely misrepresented facts to bag the coal block.