Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar posted the matter for September 14 and 15 after the advocates appearing for Gupta, accused firm Pushp Steels and Mining Pvt Ltd (PSMPL) and its Director Atul Jain said the case be fixed for arguments on framing of charges.
"Counsel (for accused) have also very fairly stated that the matter may now be fixed for arguments on charge as in the meantime if any document is found deficient by them they will inspect the court file or coordinate with investigating officer (IO)," the court said.
The case pertains to alleged irregularities in allocation of a coal block in Madhya Pradesh to PSMPL.
The court had earlier granted bail to Gupta and Jain after they had appeared before it in pursuance to the summons issued against them.
The court had summoned Gupta, PSMPL and Jain, as accused for their alleged involvement in the allocation of Brahmapuri coal block in Madhya Pradesh to the company which resulted in loss to the government.