The matter came up for hearing before Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar where one of the accused moved an application under the provision of CrPC for summoning entire file relating to the sanction granted by the competent authority to try public servants in the case.
One of the public servants and an accused in the case, Bipin Bihari Singh, also moved an application seeking discharge in the case.
Besides Koda and Bipin Bihari Singh, the other accused in the case are -- ex-Chief Secretary of Jharkhand Ashok Kumar Basu, former Coal Secretary H C Gupta, public servant Basant Kumar Bhattacharya, Kolkata-based Vini Iron and Steel Udyog Ltd (VISUL), its Director Vaibhav Tulsyan, chartered accountant Navin Kumar Tulsyan and Koda's alleged close aide Vijay Joshi.
These eight individual accused were granted bail by the court after they had appeared before it in pursuance to the summons issued against them.
While granting bail to the eight individual accused, the court had observed that Koda and others holding high positions had allegedly misappropriated the natural resource.
The court had also said Koda and seven others, including Basu and Gupta, "clearly conspired together" to misappropriate important natural resources.