During arguments on framing of charges in the case involving Gupta, former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda and others, CBI said the top official was aware that the state government had not recommended the coal block to VISUL but he did not mention this in the file noting sent to the office of the Prime Minister, who then headed the Coal Ministry too.
The prosecutor further said, "He (Gupta) did not write it in the file. Gupta did not mention it in the noting sent to the Minister of Coal. He concealed this fact from the Minister of Coal."
During arguments today, the agency said that Koda, Basu and two other accused public servants conspired with each other to somehow favour VISUL in the coal block allocation despite the fact that the state government had initially recommended two other firms for it.
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It alleged that Basu, who had attended the meeting of screening committee, insisted that VISUL should be recommended for the allocation.
The prosecutor said that even the Steel Ministry had not recommended VISUL for Rajhara north coal block allocation.
The court after hearing the arguments fixed the matter for June 30 for any clarification.
The case pertains to alleged irregularities in allocation of Rajhara North coal block in Jharkhand to Kolkata-based VISUL.