Special Judge Bharat Parashar decided to take up the matter on the next date after the investigating officer (IO) submitted that the agency needed some more time to file the reoprt.
The court had earlier this month pulled up CBI for delay in filing the report, saying it was affecting progress of trial.
The court had earlier allowed CBI's plea that it needed to probe the case further in light of certain disclosures made by a chartered accountant Suresh Singhal, who had sought the court's nod to turn approver.
CBI has alleged that ex-Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda, also accused in the case, had favoured Jindal group firms -- Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) and Gagan Sponge Iron Private Ltd (GSIPL) -- in allocation of Amarkonda Murgadangal coal block in Jharkhand.
Opposing CBI's contention, all the accused had said there was no evidence to show that they were in any conspiracy during the coal block allocation process. They had also denied the allegations levelled against them by CBI in its charge sheet.