As per the Zonal Integrated Police Network, at least 150 unidentified bodies have been found in Delhi in January. "Homeless people constitute 80 per cent of that figure," Centre for Holistic Development (CHD) said.
Sunil Kumar Aledia of CHD said, contrary to official claims, the existing shelters for the homeless were not capable of housing more than 9,000 people as the per capita space allotted was "far less" than the original masterplan.
Delhi Government's estimate pegs the number of homeless in the city at 16,760, while activists working in the field maintain that the figure should be not less than 1.80 lakh.
The current arrangements, including 84 permanent shelters, 111 porta cabins, 49 tents, two shelters managed by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), can house 18,181 people, according to the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB).
As per numbers collated from Zonal Integrated Police Network and Ministry of Home Affairs, around 350 homeless died over the last two months since the onset of the cold, Aledia said.