Science and Technology Minister S Jaipal Reddy said the scope of the present collaboration in area of biotechnology with MIT can be increased to include other areas of mutual interest.
"We have an ongoing partnership with MIT, particularly in the area of biotechnology. I propose the exchange of scientists from India to MIT and from MIT to India on highly flexible terms, also an understanding between CSIR and MIT," he told reporters here after addressing the Rai Foundation Luncheon Talk organised by ASSOCHAM.
"It is important for us to note that original research in India is still almost completely funded by the government. We have real talent in these government funded laboratories. We appreciate that. I think we will strengthen our collaboration with MIT," he said.
The function was attended by MIT's President Dr Rafael Reif who is visiting India to explore opportunities for academic and research collaborations. Lord Swaraj Paul was also present on the occasion.
Asked about any particular area of research India is interested in promoting with MIT, Reddy said, "Right now, as I said, collaboration is going on in the field of biotechnology. It can be extended to other areas such as industrial research."