Police said the students of College blocked the Anandapur-Chandabali state highway at Bonth following death of a college girl in a road mishap.
The agitated students set fire on two trucks, police said.
Police said, a truck ran over Priyanka Rout, a plus-III student from Kushbanti village under Bonth police station at about 11 am. The girl died on the spot. The driver of the truck fled from the spot.
College students burnt the trucks and set fire to another vehicle parked on the road side near the Bonth bazar.
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The students also demanded widening of the road and stop plying heavy vehicles during college hour, police said.
(Reopens Cal5)
Manipur Governor Najma Heptulla later expressed her
happiness at the development.
"The new development will usher in an era of peace and prosperity," the Governor said appreciating the "first step of the newly-formed government".
She said that understanding among all communities was of utmost importance to bring about all round development.