Pope Francis will visit Cuba September 19 to 22 as part of a tour that will later take him to the United States.
"We would like to do that. It would be something amazing," the rebels' spokesman Ivan Marquez said yesterday ahead of a break in the talks, which resume August 17.
"Just imagine the impact it would have to get Pope Francis' support for this major joint effort for all Colombians - to achieve reconciliation after decades of conflict," he added.
Colombia is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic.
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And the pope -- a native of Argentina and first pontiff to hail from Latin America -- has a keen interest in issues related to poverty, Cuban emigrant, refugees and political prisoners.
Francis is also known to have played a key role in nudging the United States and Cuba toward reconciliation late last year, ending decades of estrangement dating back to the Cold War.
Colombia's stop-start peace talks, ongoing since November 2012, have made progress on some important points but lack a final agreement.