"We have made it very clear that solar and wind are our first commitment. Hydro, nuclear - all of these non carbon sources are what we will develop to the largest extent that we can. What cannot be met by these will be met by coal," India's key negotiator Ajay Mathur said at the UN climate conference.
Hinting at developed nations, Mathur also made clear that India also looks at an agreement in Paris which "enables" financial support from those nations who have developed on the "backs of cheap energy".
"We look forward to an agreement that enables financial support from the countries that have developed on the backs of cheap energy to those who have to meet their energy demands with more expensive but low carbon or zero carbon energy," he said on the second day of negotiations.
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He had said that this enhancement of renewable is "not" getting as much attention as the fact that the balance will be met by coal electricity.
Coal will increase by two to two-and-half times and this is getting far more attention than the fact that it would also mean a seven times increase of renewables.
"We are looking at something in 200 GW of solar and wind energy by 2030," he had said.
Mathur said that developing affordable balancing power in the next 10 years is of huge importance if solar and wind energy has to take off in very large percentage.
"So we need balancing power which can come on instantly and which is affordable. This is a technology issue. So developing affordable balancing power in the next ten years is of huge importance if solar and wind has to take off in very large percentage," he said.
Mathur who is also the DG of Bureau of Energy Efficiency said that India was looking at a "just and sustainable agreement" and would also like to see countries looking at their INDCs periodically.
"As a result of these global stock take, for which the ownership should be with the countries, nations should then look at their next set up of INDCs to be more challenging and ambitious than what they have put up now. We are looking at progression principle and no backcyling principle that each one of us delivers more in each subsequent cycle of commitments that we take," he said.