Confirming this, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Secretary Ramesh Negi said in a statement today that the matter will be discussed at the Cabinet meeting slated for tomorrow for further action.
The state government had instituted the committee as a part of a magisterial inquiry to look into the leak of the General Studies paper and constituted a committee with Naharlagun Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) Hento Kena to conduct the inquiry and submit the report within two weeks.
Negi's assertion came when over hundred of candidates yesterday submitted individual letters to him at his office demanding President Pranab Mukherjee's intervention on the issue.
Stating that inquiry was a long process, Negi, however, assured the candidates that the state government would initiate appropriate action against all who would be found guilty, the statement said.
"Everyone is equal in the eyes of law whether it may be a high rank officer or a lower level employee. If they are found guilty they will be punished as per law," Negi said.