The list of important economic legislations, to be taken up in the monsoon session starting August 8, also include Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill.
However, the agenda does not include Insurance Bill and Pension Funds Regulatory and Development Authority Bill, sources said.
Also, it is not clear whether the Land Acquisition Bill would be taken up for consideration and passage. It is being held up because of certain reservations of the Commerce Ministry. The new legislation seeks to replace the 117-year-old Land Acquisition Bill, 1894 and provide for a just and fair compensation to land owners.
As regards the Companies Bill, it seeks to replace and modernise the half-a-century-old Act.
The Bill, which was sent to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance twice, has been pending for long.
It seeks to keep pace with the changing modern industrial climate by proposing to enhance the accountability of companies, seeking greater disclosure and protection of investors and minority shareholders.
Also Read
The Forward Contract Regulation Act (FCRA) Amendment Bill, aims at strengthening commodity markets regulator Forward Markets Commission (FMC) by providing it financial autonomy and powers. It will also facilitate the entry of institutional investors and introduce new products for trading such as options and indices.
The Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill seeks to raise voting rights ceilings in private banks. The cap on voting rights of a single entity proposed to be increased to 26 per cent from the current 10 per cent and in public sector banks from one per cent to 10 per cent. It was tabled in Parliament in 2011.