As per a plea, Rajkumar, who was undergoing life sentence for killing his wife, was admitted in Rajan Babu Institute of Pulmonary Medicine and Tuberculosos (RBIPMT), a government-run hospital, for TB treatment on November 27, 2013 and died on December 9.
His body was kept in the hospital's mortuary. When the body was shifted to another hospital (Babu Jagjeevan Ram) for post-mortem as RBIPMT does not have the facility to conduct autopsy, it was found that his right eyeball and soft tissue of lower half of pinna of ear lope were missing, the plea said.
It also directed the judge to visit the mortuary of RBIPMT.
The concerned area SHO was also directed by the court to accompany the judge during the visit.
His counsel told the court about the whole incident and the bench had earlier directed Additional Public Prosecutor to file a status report.
The prosecutor in the report had told the court that the Magistrate is yet to complete the inquest report and the judge is also conducting a separate inquiry into the missing of the victim's organ.