The theme of the conference +professional Delivery Systems in the Indian Construction Industry--A futurist view,+ the conference, was selected as the delivery systems were strained due to industry moving towards fast track, high volume and technology driven environment prevailing, S Balasubramaniam, Chairman of local chapter of ACCE (I) told reporters here today.
Inconsistencies in delivery systems due to multidisciplinary activities in the construction industry can lead to failure and consequent loss of lives and resources, he claimed.
Engineering Council of India (ECI), a body formed by over 30 professional organisatiaons, has taken up the mantle to regulate the services, since the Engineering Bill was pending in the Parliament nearly for the last 10 years, its Board Member, S Ratnavel said.
With the need for industry-institution interaction becoming very important, due to large numbering of engineering graduate passing out every year, ACCE is signing MOU with two engineering colleges to provide valued added courses in civil engineering, he said.