Karnataka minister D K Shivakumar on Wednesday claimed he knows the rebel MLAs, camping in Mumbai, for last 40 years and expressed confidence that he would return to his state with them.
The minister, before being detained by police, was prevented from entering the Renaissance Hotel in Powai where rebel MLAs from Karnataka were staying, but he insisted on meeting them in a desperate bid to pull the Congress-JD(S) government from the brink of collapse.
"I know them (Karnataka MLAs) well. Their relationship with the BJP is of two-three days but I know them for 40 years. My heart works with them, my heart is open to them," he told reporters outside the hotel before the police took him into custody.
"I know their hearts, I know their feelings, I will win them, I will take them (back to Karnataka). We want to have a secular government in Karnataka," he said.
Asked whether he managed to speak to any of the rebel MLAs staying inside the luxury hotel, he said, "I have tried, I have communicated to them. Lot of people, other legislators who are outside, who have already resigned, spoke to me."
On the cancellation of his reservation in the hotel, Shivakumar said, "Mumbai is known for its hospitality, other rooms are also there. I want to have a shower. If they dont give me a shower, if they give me nothing... the streets of Bombay are there."