The Congress on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of giving "wrong information" in his earlier election about a plot in Gandhinagar allotted to him and urged the Election Commission to take action against him, but the BJP refuted the allegations and counter-accused the opposition parties of spreading "falsehood".
At a press conference, Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera claimed Modi had declared in the affidavit that he was the sole owner of Plot 411, in Sector 1, a prime property in Gandhinagar, but later omitted that and gave details of another piece of land.
"In the light of discrepancies in the affidavit, the Congress party demands that the Election Commission of India takes thorough cognisance of the seemingly deliberate omissions in Modi's affidavit and take appropriate action under the Representation of People Act," he said alleging that Modi has given "wrong information".
Rejecting the allegations, the BJP accused the Congress of levelling false charges against the prime minister and the finance minister.
Through its official Twitter handle, the BJP said, "The caravan of falsehood moves on. There is a bankruptcy of issues in the Congress Party. Today's election issue was that the number of the plot owned by the PM (his only asset) is now shown differently numbered from what was shown earlier."
"Similar charge is made against the Finance Minister. There is a limit to trivialisation. Four plots purchased by four different persons were amalgamated into one on 25.4.2008. Obviously, the number of the amalgamated plot is different from the separate individual numbers," the BJP said,