"Whenever polls are near, BJP keeps raking up the Ram temple issue. They did not talk about it when they were in power for six years at the Centre. People no longer trust them on the issue. It is only to capture power that BJP rakes it up," party spokesperson Rashid Alvi told reporters.
Addressing party workers at the BJP headquarters on the occasion of BJP Foundation Day here, Advani said he felt pride in admitting that his party had raised the issue of Ram temple and Ayodhya as it was not just a political outfit but also a cultural one.
"When you fight just for the sake of power. It leads to groupism in the party. Every group has its own leader and the supporters of that leader try to put him forward," Alvi said.
Asked about Advani's remarks that the things that he gets to hear these days about the party do not match with his idea of BJP, the Congress spokesperson said only Advani can tell what he dreamt of, what was fulfilled and what failed.