"Due to wasteful expenditure by Badal government, central government has stalled the releasing of grant of Rs 100 crore for modernisation of state police," Bhattal, a former chief minister, said in a statement here.
She said that the Centre's seeking of physical inspection report regarding funds meant for modernisation of state police raises serious questions about the present regime's reckless spending and diversion of central funds.
She said that the utilisation certificate submitted by state police has invited strong objections from Centre.
Bhattal noted that there is a pressing need for modernisation of state police keeping in view security needs of the state.
She said that the expansion of state's premier police training academy at Phillaur has been adversely impacted and the construction of buildings for modern training at both the Special Security Group (SSG) and Intelligence centre (ITNT) near Banur had been abruptly stopped due to shortage of funds.