Party spokesperson R P N Singh said rather than talking about the "burning issues" touching every Indian and rise in prices of essential commodities, he chose to present a detailed itinerary about his proposed visit.
"It is unfortunate that the PM did not touch on issues that are prevalent and in the heart of every Indian. He did not even condemn the killings of Dalits in Haryana and the atrocious language used by his minister against the Dalits.
Modi did not even react "openly and loudly" to the "fringe elements" who seem to be "taking over the mainstream of the country", he said.
"He is the Prime Minister of this country and instead of touching the issues prevalent today, his only talking about his itinerary in Britain is tragic for the country," he said.
The party has also demanded the sacking of Union Minister V K Singh who has kicked up a storm with his remark that the Centre cannot be blamed if somebody throws a stone at a dog to shield it from criticism for the Faridabad Dalit burning incident.
"The PM did not even mention the burning issue of price rise at a time when pulses are off the plate of the common man," Singh said.